Friday, November 20, 2009

Week 13: Distance Education and Virtual Schooling

This week in class we discussed distance education and virtual school. Many students in our class seemed to have experienced some type of virtual schooling, the most popular being Florida Virtual School. I know a few students at my high school who took a few online classes while still attending regular classes. Our valedictorian of my senior class did so to boost her GPA and get her to the number one spot. We also talked about the advantages and disadvantages of virtual school. Advantages include that it opens the door of education to more and more people. Especially people who put college aside to start their careers... now they can go back to school at their own pace. My mom is currently taking online classes to get her Master's degree in Educational Leadership. There are disadvantages though of virtual schooling including missing out on the classroom experience. Nothing can replace actually being in class and having face- to- face contact with students and other peers.
As a future educator I need to keep my teaching options open, especially with a shaky econonmy. It's comforting to know that there is always the option to teach online classes as more and more students are turning to learn this way for a multitude of reasons. I think teaching an online class would also be a good way to earn extra money on the side. My government teacher in high school was also a teacher of an online class.
The following video found on YouTube gives the personal story of a cancer survivor, Marilee Greenland, who will be recieving an online degree thanks to the University of Phonenix. She will be the first of her siblings to graduate from college. Thanks to the benefits of online classes she has the flexibility to choose when she wants to work on an assignment, especially when she is not feeling well. The story makes it clear that online classes are advantageous to working professionals, those who live in rural areas, military personell, as well as those battleing illnesses.

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