Friday, November 6, 2009

Week 11: Open Source Software

This week we learned about Open Source Software. This type of software is free and readily available to anyone. As technology becomes more and more popular and more and more expensive, it's comforting to know that Open Source Software can make technology available to all. After my boyfriend bought a Mac he didn't want to pay extra for the expensive Microsoft programs. He therefore downloaded an application (I know other penny-pinching college students who have done the same), Open Office, for free. Open Office includes software similar to Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc... and let me emphasize that it is all FREE!
As a future educator I plan to take advantage of Open Source Software. Number one, these resources are free and the word free sounds good to any teacher. The best part is that most are equivalent to software that costs thousands of dollars. Having free resources means that I can download them on my own personal computer and my school computer and work on projects at home and transfer them to work.
The following website lists the different free Open Source Software available for those who use Windows. The very first one listed is Mozilla Firefox, a common internet browser that even I have. Others include Audacity (a sound recording program similar to Garage Band), GIMP (a photo editing program similar to the uber-expensive Photoshop), and even a personal finance application, TurboCASH. The website lists two pages of free software for people who want to stay high-tech, yet are on a budget.

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