Saturday, October 3, 2009

Week 6: Visual Literacy

This week we talked about the widely popular program, Photoshop. Photoshop allows anyone to edit their own photos. No longer are our only options to crop and reduce red eye, Photoshop allows users to decrease body fat, lighten or darken skin tones, and reduce wrinkles their uploaded photos. I feel like it would take me a whole year to really grasp all the capabilities of Photoshop and I would love to take a class for an entire semester just learning about the tricks involved with Photoshop, I'm sure the possibilites are endless!
I will use Photoshop in my classroom as a way to edit photos to my liking. I can imagine showing students pictures of different places around the world and editing and cropping them to get my point across. Also, I think it's a fun program and the students can get use out of learning how to morph and change around their own pictures. Talking about Photoshop in my classroom would also be beneficial because it will teach students about body image and help them understand that what they see in magazines has been completely edited and is not the "real deal".
The following video from Youtube shows photoshop at it's best. Photoshop has the power of transforming Jennifer Aniston into a much older and less glamorous version of herself. I chose this video to share because it shows the power of Photoshop. Most pictures we see are manipulated to make the person look better, this is the exact opposite... poor Jen!

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