Sunday, October 11, 2009

Week 7: Digital Storytelling

This week in class we talked about Digital Storytelling. We focused on different resources in which we could make such productions which include: iMovie, Animoto, and PowerPoint. Digital Storytelling is basically a 21st century way of telling stories without having a hard copy of something to read. They usually involve images and music and allow the viewer to process and think about what is going on before them.
I will definitely use Digital Storytelling in my classroom because I think it's a really fun way to present new information! It's also really fun putting it together. My mom is the Media Specialist at her elementary school and deals a lot with iMovie. She puts together an end of the year video each year, which combines video and pictures from the school year. I once helped her create an instructional video on the proper cafeteria behaviors. I plan to do the same for my classroom. It's a more personalized way to get rules across, or teach a subject that all students can enjoy.
I decided to include a video from YouTube that captures the point of Digital Storytelling. This video includes both words, images, voice-overs, and music to effectively tell the story of homeless children in America. This production was probably created using iMovie.

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